We all have a story. Here’s mine
I’m the achiever who outgrew my initial vision of success
I was the star student who with financial aid landed a spot at a top private university. In a two+ decade investment career, I worked at the largest U.S. bank, partnered in a start-up, and led the U.S. business for a boutique Asian investment firm that grew by over $20 billion during my tenure.
Along the way, I married an amazing man, resided in New York and San Francisco, and became known for my adventurous travel.
Education✓ Family✓ Career✓
Coaches were always my guides. They helped me clarify my values, strengths and story. When I brought these learnings to my work, I had more fun and success. There wasn’t a professional me and a personal me–just me.

Seeing the impact of coaching on me and others was the highlight of my career. In later years, my work environment shifted overnight to be completely out of sync with my values. The signal was crystal clear.

It was time to venture
I left my job without knowing next steps. Here’s what I did know. I needed to redefine success, my meaning of impact, and invest my talent, time and money towards it. My initial goals? Connecting. Learning. Traveling. Writing. Global volunteering. Finding new impactful ways to invest my money.
I packed my curiosity and spent a month at a girls’ school in Kenya. From there, inspiring people and ideas found me.
I set up a blog to share insights. I made my first impact investments in Africa. I invested in selected girls’ education organizations and mentored young women determined to make their education dreams a reality.
My journey inspired others. Today, I’m a success coach and curate venture travel because people asked me to. My proudest life stories stem from this recent decade.
I’m Jodi Morris
I guide fellow high-achieving seekers on ventures to redefine success and impact. My superpowers? Connecting people and ideas. Seeing potential others miss. My mission? Helping each of us maximize our impact.
I’m a forever student and passionate about education. My greatest learnings come from people–mentors, coaches, and those I connect to through global travel.
I generously share my people and ideas. Why?
Because you’re poised to make an impact