Last week, a virtual-mentor-now-friend, John Wood, launched a new social venture called U-Go. In the… Read the postThe LinkedIn Connection
“Gathering is a sacred act. You’re asking people to spend their time with you in… Read the postThe Connected Gathering
“What’s something you now think differently about?” “What’s something you’ll do next?” I end each… Read the postThinking Different Questions
“So tell me how you got into this business?” I’ve heard a version of this… Read the postWhat’s Your Story?
Exhale. It was the most common word I saw on social media on January 20,… Read the postWaiting to Exhale
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you… Read the postHow to Engage on LinkedIn
“We are all dealing with the collective loss of the world we knew. The world… Read the postThe Clear Path
“I truly thought we’d quietly sit the in back of a few classrooms and have… Read the postBeyond the Sites
They say a picture tells a story. This picture continues one. In early 2018, I… Read the postWhat Happens Next
I’m frequently asked about my story, lessons learned and advice for making a transition. So in celebration of this five year anniversary, I’m sharing five learnings. Read the postThe Big Five